I'm trying to add tracing to a lambda that talks to AWS Firehose using the built in AWS SDK Client:
def firehose_client
@firehose_client ||= Aws::Firehose::Client.new
In makefile there is a default target for executing tests:
make test
and it runs:
go test -short ./...
let's check what will happen if someone runs below (I did it l…
cypher: MATCH (p:Person) WHERE toInt(p.age) > 25 RETURN p.name
output: Exception in thread "main" org.opencypher.gremlin.translation.exception.SyntaxException:Custom functions and predicates are not …
Running the command `python cloudmapper.py collect --account devAccount`
Gives me the output bellow
* Getting s3control:get-public-access-block info
Traceback (most recent call last):
[Question] I would guess there's no simple way for now to integrate this module to an AWS Redis instance (if it's the case I would like to know more and I'm not talking about a EC2 instance), but have…
I tried below query for searching in neptune through gremlin
` g.V().hasLabel('person').filter{it.get().property('name').value().contains('apt')}`
but it throw and exception that is
### New Issue Checklist
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koxon updated
5 years ago
I am trying to run real-time recommendations from AWS Personalize campaign in AWS Lambda following below code mentioned in the documentation .
import boto3
if __name__ == "__main__":
Since they're read only, seems like a good idea.
When creating a new project the following gems are installed:
Using aws-sdk-core 3.52.1
Using aws-sdk-acm 1.21.0
Using aws-sdk-acmpca 1.15.0
Using aws-sdk-alexaforbusiness 1.24.0
Using aws…
llekn updated
5 years ago