Which DFT codes are supported by this project, say, quantum espresso, vasp, wien2k, and so on?
## Source Dataset
These are “reforecasts” of the new GEFSv12 system. They are retrospective forecasts spanning the period 2000-2019.
These reforecasts are not as numerous as the real-time d…
Hello pymatgen developers,
I've been examining the documentation for [`get_conventional_standard_structure`](https://pymatgen.org/pymatgen.symmetry.html#pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer.SpacegroupAnalyze…
Just looking at NADCON5 grids, I've found that some of those grids have a different resolution for the ellipsoidal height difference than for the lat & lon differences.
For example https://geodesy.…
We need a way to show this. For simplicity we collapsed the sections per class, we can probably add a section on top (with all the same parameters - overall median/avg, boy girl break up, mt break up …
I'm trying to extract a raster from the gdb located at:
* ftp://ftp.gisdata.mn.gov/pub/gdrs/data/pub/us_mn_state_dnr/water_lake_bathymetry/fgdb…
| Название | Значение |
| __Производитель__ | _TZE284_o3x45p96 |
| __Модель__ | TS0601 |
| __WEB Build__ | 1.5.21 |
| __API Build__ | 1.10.2 (13067) |
| __Шаблоны__ | 4719 |
Dear YangZhong:
I get an Error when run the training process, there's full error mesage below:
Validation sanity check: 0%| …
### Tag Name
### Purpose
Provides a pattern/component for displaying footnotes. [[XD link](https://xd.adobe.com/view/3dce6dad-b11c-46ce-a527-382fa1b90e54-689d/)]
### Distinguishing fac…
> On a tangentially related note now that I see it again, it would be handy to switch to using [ase](https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/ase/ase.html#modules) instead of [diffpy](https://www.diffpy.org/diff…