## Repository Request
[Explain the purpose and goals of this repository]
1. I do not need webpack. React app needs it because it has to be compiled and translated into js as a file. React is written into html in a javascript function. Therefore, it has to be bundled by usi…
We should think about good color schemes for our app. Google things like 'color complementing', color wheels, etc. Remember to consider color schemes that have good accessibility quality (for disabled…
### Describe the bug
When there are 2 imports which differ in case only, svelte-check resolves the path wrongly. Eg:
import { Favs } from '@core/Favs'; // import 1
... so maybe I'll eliminate 2 of our 8 builds from the workflow, now that the other 6 are working:
Useful diagram:
![gitflow-diagram](https://nvie.com/img/git-model@2x.png "Git Flow Diagram")
# GitHub Actions & Package Registry 사용기 | 커피고래의 노트
얼마 전에 깃허브에서 자체적으로 CI/CD 플랫폼인 GitHub Actions를 Beta 공개하였죠. 그 동안 GitHub는 “나는 소스코드만 신경써서 관리해줄꺼야” 라는 입장을 취해왔는데 MS사가 깃허브를 인수한 이후로 조금 더 공격적으로 오픈소스 생태계를 장악하…
Output of `helm version`:
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.15.0-rc.2", GitCommit:"c4e37b39dbb341cb3f716220df9f9d306d123a58", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.22.3"}
Output of `kubectl v…
We have a similar issue, including Docker, but with Travis CI and Circle CI emblem on the website.
Website: https://charlescd.io/
## Travis CI
Could you check if there is a contact with the leg…
I'm using the great archived test features in order to exec. my tests on a temporary CICD spawned pod in Kubernetes to test against other resources in there.
Two questions:
1) Is there a w…
lcmgh updated
2 years ago