I used js-csp in my last project to replace promises (ajax) and frp (search logic).
With webpack + [bundle-loader](https://github.com/webpack/bundle-loader) i am able to load components only when nee…
The gapminder library is loaded in a previous episodes challenge, but we should explicitly list to load it again if they didnt do the challenge.
I'm amazed by how good this technology is and I see massive potential in an area that leaves creative freedom in designing animations to the user: animation transitions.
In games, 2D anim…
Internaly web-locks uses default array as a queue and it can cause performance issues in case of drasticaly growing consumers amount.
The solution would be to replace current queue with more effici…
It seems like VCDVCD struggles a bit with opening very large VCD files. My hunch is that this is due to the entire VCD trace is being loaded into internal datastructures upon loading the file, somethi…
The Minimal Working Example (MWE) for this bug:
using LinearAlgebra
using BenchmarkTools
using Random
using CUDA
using Test
@testset "dot $atype" for atype in [Array, CuArray]
- [x] Reduction / Removal of macros by pushing platform dependant stuff onto interface / implementation modules chosen by the buildsystem / meta-buildsystem.
- [ ] Compaction of code by usage of expli…
I need to disable the IPv6 entries in `/etc/hosts` like they are defined at the `defaults.yaml`.
So we need a dict like this:
``` yaml
- name: localhost
Movsim aims at modeling all generic situations in traffic. Overtaking on bidirectional roads is such a generic situation which we should handle.
At first the movsim network model has to be extended …