This is to start a discussion on how we should publish data from the MELODIES project as Open Data. The ideal situation is to publish [five-star linked open data](http://5stardata.info) where everythi…
Hi all!
After today's Pillar 2 general meeting, I was exploring the idea from Chris that we could automate the deployment of FDPs for Biotools. that got me thinking... the way this should be model…
Hiermee wordt bedoeld het specificeren van het soort data (gestructureerd/ongestructureerd, aanwezigheid van schema’s en formele informatiemodellen). Voor onderzoekers is informatie over de structuur …
Raised by @jonquet in Slack and GitHub after, submitting and experimenting with the AGROTERMOS ontology
### Issues
- [ ] * https://github.com/agroportal/project-management/issues/515
- [x] * ht…
Various ontologies exist to register projects, some research:
- [ ] although FOAF has a [project](http://xmlns.com/foaf/spec/#term_Project) term and a currentproject property, the definitions do no…
Hvad er rationalet for at bruge Agent til opmærkninger vedr. Catalog, men Organization for opmærkninger vedr. Dataset ?
Définir les modailtés d'accès aux métadonnées, dans un premier temps dans le cadre du développement :
- [ ] format : idéalement les données devraient être accessibles en DCAT. Est-ce possible ?
Lage en mapping mellom Los 3.0 og Data theme vocabulary og å la denne inngå i selve standarden.
Behovet sett fra data.norge-perspektivet er nærmere beskrevet her: https://github.com/Informasjonsforv…
## User Story
In order to successfully transform datasets from one schema to another, datagovteam would like to use the MDTranslator library, via a Rails application, to do so.
As an interim step, w…
## User Story
As an inventory.data.gov user, I want to ensure that the required fields on program code and bureau code are populated with the correct corresponding codes for my organization so that…