Add source packages along with packaging
Tried to install from Bintray following the docs in http://docs.alignak.net/en/latest/02_installation/01_system.html, I met this error :
Alignak post-install
User account: alignak
### Problem description
Esync doesn't work on hangover-wine with root or w/o root.there is seems to be a Esync patch(it's have some references of glibc though ) for termux .that would be great if w…
Adding repo https://deb.debian.org/debian/ stretch via Synaptic result in message:
Репозиторий «https://deb.debian.org/debian stretch Release» не содержит файла Release.
Then sudo apt-get update -…
Should maybe use `apt-get`.
See [Benjamin_Loison/apt/issues/9](https://salsa.debian.org/Benjamin_Loison/apt/-/issues/9).
We could add Ubuntu Snap packages and distribute them in https://snapcraft.io/
Our electron-builder unfortunately does not support `base` option so it builds by default for `core18` base.
### Problem
Application menu displays all apps present, either from Flatpak, APT, or any .desktop file for, steam apps,
However flatpak apps offer to deinstall while the others just have a greyed…
Right now we distribute library in a source code and provide an instruction how-to build it on your own [1].
For production use it is not convenient and wide accepted practice to use system packages …
I'm trying to run this on a Packet Type 2A server (96-core ARMv8, 64-bit only).
The installed package seems to have 32-bit binaries only, installed with
dpkg -i code-oss_1.14.0-1497385076_a…
Thank you for the great tutorial, I was wondering where did you downloaded .deb packages from and now to update SDK into a never version?
I have tried to use this tutorial https://github.com…