The ColumnStatistics feature in the UI has both Count and Size when viewing details for a specific column. The Size represents the total size of the table, while the Count represents the number of non…
There is not currently an easy way for users to publish a Deephaven table row into a specific Kafka topic partition. Right now, users can set a kafka-specific strategy to choose the correct partition …
The main benchmark snippet can get benchmark run data from either a local directory or through http from the deephaven-benchmark GCloud bucket. When comparing the results of the same query for identi…
As a user, I want plugins to be able to advertise what objects they support opening so that the UI can be smart about display those object types. Should be able to include a friendly name of the objec…
We recently had a bug where Select Distinct functionality was broken: https://github.com/deephaven/web-client-ui/issues/1275
We should have end-to-end (e2e) tests in Playwright that test all the fu…
When I try to view a table created in a DnD persistent query, I get an exception and need to reload the panel.
**Steps to reproduce**
I created the table, FilteredSPTRollo…
In the last few days, I've had a few instances where I exit and restart my Docker container, only to find the notebook I was working on empty. I only saw it happen for noteb…
If the first partition column on a table is an Int column, then the UI fails to show an initial view of that table.
**Steps to reproduce**
import io.deepha…
Deephaven query operations like Time-based EMA and Time-based rolling sum need a timestamp column to function.
* How much control over the timestamp is needed from the generator side?
* Are out of…
Chaining operations after _format_columns_ works for some operations but not _head_by_. We need to decide if we are going to support chaining on _format_columns_ or only allow it on a leaf table. If…