The new 'Custom Journald' integration does not include the 'ignore older than' setting, which other integrations include (e.g. System). Can we add the 'Ignore older than' setting under advanced option…
## Bug Report
**What did you do?**
Installed elastic agents on kubneretes cluster via DaemonSet as directed by the Fleet UI. Every time an elastic-agent pod is restarted, the agent ID changes wh…
When certificate and key files are changed in case existing certificate is about to expire, filebeat still uses the existing one. Is it possible to have a reload option like inputs and modules configu…
OS: Windows 10
ELK: 7.2.0
Installed using `logstash-plugint`
When running list
**logstash-input-azureblob** "7.2.0"}
Beats' macOS packages are distributed as a tarball (not a .pkg)
Tarballs are not ideal and a true installation package file (i.e. a .pkg file) is the preferred method of packaging software for dist…
## Problem
We need to determine how successful users are when adding integrations and what steps they are dropping off so we where know where to focus on improvements. We'd like telemetry to track th…
*Original comment by @tvernum:*
The [6.2 docs for APM](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/get-started/6.2/install-and-run.html) say:
> If you are using an X-Pack secured version of Elastic Stack,…
When running the collection with defaults (only activating Metricbeat) it fails, because the variable `elasticsearch_http_security` isn't set for Metricbeat hosts. This looks like it's some legacy cod…
### 1. Ask how to set it up to ChatGPT
> show me how to setup MongoDB on mac using docker
### 2. download MongoDB shell from https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/shell
- Blocked by https://github.com/elastic/elastic-agent/issues/2857
- Version: 8.8.1
- Operating System: Linux, but I believe it affects all OSs
~~- Discuss Forum URL:~~
## Steps to Reproduce: