Subnational data published by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre. Comes with cumulative cases and deaths, and subnational NUTS regions codes as well. I haven't checked to what extent thes…
What's the status of this software? is this used somewhere, do you have some benchmark or manual?
And is there any plan to maintain it or is this just a "share as it is"?
In any case, tha…
I successfully added an EU certificate but it appears invalid.
## Describe the bug
Thank you for making an open source application that is avilable on F-Droid.
I am using version 1.0.7-tst.
When attempting to add my EU Digital Covid certificate issued in…
For the DOI: `10.3897/rio.6.e57602`
In the XML metadata, the authors are listed for each figure. The DOI Query tool seems to pull all authors from the XML document regardless of parent node.
Why would you put the master trust list behind mTLS auth?
Priority should be assigned to distributing a verifiable trustlist to everyone who wishes
to validate the contents of DGCs. The certificates…
Trying to update entity plus to the latest version, I got a message from paragraph that in needs entity plus version > 1.0.5, even I'm installing entity plus 1.0.12. The list of modules doesn't show e…
**Current behavior**
In the EAT platform the footer should contain the EC Logo as a requirement and this graphical customisation should be made available across all secondary tenants.
The configur…
@kathsherratt, my understanding is that you started something like this?
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC agreed to have the next annual meeting jointly again in 2021. The minutes of the organisational committee are recorded here.