Which OAuth2 provider or API service?
External references, such as API reference guide?
Please provide any additional information below.
A sample that would be really great…
- Need to do another app review to maintain Facebook oEmbed (Jan 4, 2024). My understanding is that this is also required for Instagram
- media_entity_facebook has a new method that doesn't require t…
### Description
When I try to send some post request sending a file with formData I receive a Network Error. Most of the time the request works fine, but sometimes I receive this error. The problem o…
I get incorrect signature when trying to use any method, can anyone please help
me? I read somthing about set the application to "web mode" instead of
"Desktop". But I don't know how to do that.…
Use https://github.com/bryanjos/geo
It looks pretty straight forward
Proposal for API:
POST /api/auth/login
- facebook_token : string
- location: { latitude: "...", longitude: "..." }
jacqt updated
9 years ago
- [+] Review the documentation: https://facebook.github.io/react-native
- [+] Search for existing issues: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues
- [+] Use the latest React Native re…
I have a query regarding the new method of obtaining referral information from app installs.
I under…
I'd love start the discussion on the oAuth plugin including scope, dependencies and API.
What are your thoughts already?
- server (e.g. hapi plugins, what do we need to implement / refactor?)
- dashb…
i am using old react native version and trying to upgrade to the newest apptentive-react-native version, i get crash on IOS for every use for the register engage etc ...
Main Thread Checker: UI AP…
This plugin uses native FacebookSDK 3.21.1 (iOS and Android), I believe that uses graph API v2.2 based on [this facebook page](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/android/upgrading-3.x) stating