I fear last years issue https://community.home-assistant.io/t/garbage-pickup-date-mijnafvalwijzer-nl-custom-component/34631/131?u=mariusthvdb has returned for this years december. All pickup dates in …
Since a couple of days the HVC PBD config doesn't work anymore. Any idea what it might be?
**Home Assistant release with the issue:**
**Operating environment (Hass.io/Docker/Windows/etc.):**
Hass.io in Docker on Ubuntu 18.04
ROVA: https://www.hom…
Hi ,
tuinafval results in uknown sensor status. All others work. However, also a minor issue is that PMD results in an other date output than the others. It also gives the weekday.
Was trying to migrate from GCM to FCM, so upgraded to the latest version and changed the implementation to hook up FCM as specified in the instructions. However, when sending a notification message fr…
I was playing around with timezones.
If I save the timezones to DB, I get the following from .NET:
`Samoa Standard Time => (UTC+13:00) Samoa`
[However, wikipedia lists Samoa Standard Time as UTC…
Due to an extra whitespace in the retrieved data ("gtf " instead of "gft"), my trash_today and trash_tomorrow sensors do not display the correct entity_image.
Hi all,
The problem is when I try to reuse a box which I create in my local computer, I copy/link the box to other computer and by the time HyperV tries to create and register the VM I got an error…
```{"exc_type": "CommandError", "exc_message": ["'ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -t_srs EPSG:4326 -nln precincts /tmp/tmp5611too_/output.geojson /tmp/tmp5611too_/output.zip' returned 1: FAILURE:\nUnable to open d…
The current implementation only allows to use the build in icons or the icons from the waste collector. Both are not really in the same style as the common icons in home assistant. Overwriting the ico…