Helpful for new devs looking to add stuff to UT, or automate a specific action
**Reporter: bartvde@osgis.nl**
**Date: 2005/05/09 - 11:00**
When using a DWithin filter with a distance of 0 m, which can be used eg to find
the feature which contain a certain point, Mapserver W…
I am receiving a topology error for a WFS service.
**WFS service**: https://haleconnect.com/ows/services/org.223.f8a77f5a-1260-41be-892a-7d57c2983f18_wfs?SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&V…
**Reporter: bartvde@osgis.nl**
**Date: 2004/12/06 - 17:47**
The following request is used:
The application currently supports HTML and JSON/GeoJSON output encodings for collection metadata and item data.
Add support for additional output encodings. This could potentially include [GeoPack…
According to the "Use of GML for aviation data" document, xsi:type shall not be used anymore:
> 12.6.5. Use of xsi:type is forbidden
> AIXM encodings shall not make use of the xsi:type attribute.
Whenever i'm trying to generate a xml based on xsd i'm getting following:
Error: Error generating classes for schema ' '.
- The element 'http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2:pos' is missing.
Version - 047 - JP, modified with OGC PP outputs following close of pilot project.
1. InterpolationType is an enumeration matching GML Schema and model w/two …
One of the new demo layers uses a cross symbol based on the SLD generated by https://w08-mapserver.compass.ie/mapserver/?map=/MapServer/apps/mapview-demo/example.map&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=…
A typical succesfactor in the world of web-crawling is a good urn-strategy.
Crawlers ingest a resource and identify it with some urn/url.
In theory the urn can be http://{ogc-proxy}/?url={ogc-request-…