I've found that using filter on a folder (in this case my root / Shared Documents in SharePoint) it doesn't return the folder
var folderSearch = await serviceClient!
I have an RFC 5322-formatted message, and I'm trying to `POST` it to the `/users/{id | userPrincipalName}/mailFolders/{id}/messages` endpoint.
Per [the docs for that API](https://learn.microsoft.co…
Open-Meteo's `weather_code` can have many different values: 28 different weather conditions represented as WMO Weather (WW) interpretation codes. It would be nice to have graphical icons to represent …
So that the documentation nodes can be isolated, but then still trigger on every update cycle
For people like me that can never remember which version of the graph is the one called ROBOKOP KG.
The following is my code, and the issue occurred in the loading model section:
from rknn.api import RKNN
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 确定目标设备target
target = 'rv1126'
# 创建RKNN对象
### Jenkins and plugins versions report
Jenkins: 2.479.1
OS: Windows Server 2016 - 10.0
Java: 21.0.3 - Eclipse Adoptium (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM)
When I load pages via `https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/onenote/sections/{ID}/pages?$top=100&$orderby=createdDateTime%20desc`, the results are not up-to-date, even though changes have been synced a…
### Describe the bug
I am trying up upload a file using the SDK, resulting in:
I've just started reading the 2nd edition of your book and trying out your notebook just to realize that I was only getting 3-4 friends returned.
After spending quite a bit of time looking into it I…