Fails during bundling phase:
9: from /Users/nowaker/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/rack_attack_admin-0.1.2/lib/rack_attack_admin.rb:3:in `'
8: from /Users/nowaker/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/act…
datetest --isvalid -i %FT%T -i %F -- 2022-02-27 # Okay
datetest --isvalid -i %FT%T -i %F -- 2022-02-27T # Should fail
datetest --isvalid -i %FT%T -i %F -- 2022-02-27T9999:8888:7777 # Should d…
Given the following test for `timestamps_test.exs`
test "filtering datetimes" do
# iso8601 type
time = ~U[2023-04-20 17:00:25Z]
account =
|> A…
Author Name: **Margaret O'Brien** (Margaret O'Brien)
Original Redmine Issue: 5617, https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5617
Original Date: 2012-06-05
Original Assignee: Matt Jones…
In particular, don't use the ISO 8601 duration format because it is poorly supported in language runtimes.
We should have guidance something like:
> Consider not using ISO8601 durations in the PXX…
Author Name: **Margaret O'Brien** (Margaret O'Brien)
Original Redmine Issue: 5617, https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5617
Original Date: 2012-06-05
Original Assignee: Matt Jones…
Format sent to tsheet api is not accepted.
`TSheets::ExpectationFailedError: TSheets::ExpectationFailedError: 'start_date' date [Sat, 10/07/17 12:00 AM] is not in valid ISO-8601 date only f…
2 Logstash servers via RR DNS receiving Java stack traces via udp. After the error, it stops processing messages on that port. Port is still up & listening. We're listening on other ports as well, tha…
##### Issue Type
- Bug Report
##### Summary
The current job instance API renders timestamps as milliseconds since unix epoch. This is inconsistent with other APIs that return an ISO8601 times…
ketan updated
2 years ago
### Version
v14.17.6, v16.14.1, v18.0.0-pre
### Platform
Linux nepbook 5.17.0-gentoo-nep #1 SMP Tue Mar 22 08:34:44 +08 2022 i686 Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270 @ 1.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
### Su…