So that when people search for Constantinople, they will get the result of Istanbul. There is an existing table/s of synonyms - ask Haim for further instructions if needed.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'loc' of undefined
at /Users/bencoe/google/nodejs-phishing-protection/node_modules/istanbul-reports/lib/lcovonly/index.js:53:35
at Array.forEach ()
/* @flow */
/* globals MutationObserver */
import { noop } from 'shared/util'
// can we use __proto__?
export const hasProto = '__proto__' in {}
// Browser environment snif…
For example in pakistan's almost every city is giving correct adhan time while in istanbul or some other location its time is one hour earlier than original. why?
I really don't know why this happens.
I use a shellscript to run the tests:
``` sh
"$PWD"/node_modules/.bin/mocha \
-b \
--compilers coffee:coffee-script/register \
--require coffee-coverage/r…
spdy-transport npm includes a coverage directory that has a coverage.json file in it.
This is somehow picked up by istanbul in other unrelated projects and it wreaks havoc.
Let me know if I am missi…
I think the correct time zone translation for "GTB Standard Time" should be "Europe/Athens" according to the Microsoft documentation here:
PromiseWorker.prototype.postMessage = function (userMessage) {
var self = this
var messageId = messageIds++
var messageToSend = [messageId, userMessage]
return new Promise(funct…
Coveralls currently only runs on node 4.6; instead, we should get coverage on every test run, and `after_success` should `istanbul-merge` it, and send *that* to coveralls.