Can you remove this log message or at least set it to debug level instead of info? It's clogging up the log files when we process lots of images. Is there actually any action that we can take when a B…
i am getting unexpected results when loading images (*.jpg) with readImages() from a directory in Hdfs.
I am getting nulls instead of the binary image data
Following the results stored as …
my english is much poor,sorry -_-
but I really need your help
my runtime environments:
windows 7
JDK 1.6
thumbnailator 0.32
my code:
.size(maxW, 3000)
Have you guys encountered this error before?
javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't get input stream from URL!
Message An exception occurred while trying to read the image.
StackTrace coldfusion.imag…
Hello every one please help me. I am a new java web developer. I've tried XDocReport to create Word and PDF document with mail merged system and everything looks fine. But when i tried to installed it…
I have seen a Swig file for the simple API, but there isn't a JNI wrapper for
the Advanced API. It would be very helpful to include this especially for folks
who want to integrate the library in…
What are the plans to push this to regular maven so that it can be used by not using the SNAPSHOT mentioned in the README.md.
I understand that you have the last call on this but we are mak…
I have seen a Swig file for the simple API, but there isn't a JNI wrapper for
the Advanced API. It would be very helpful to include this especially for folks
who want to integrate the library in…
### Describe the bug. What happened?
Hello everyone.
I think that I got an issue. I'm trying to call Weasis using a HTML file with this URL: href="weasis://$dicom:rs+--url='https://full.function…
### Description
I have an React Native sample where trying to render image copied from Clipboard.
On iOS I get following error and image is not rendered:
_**WARN** Could not find image file:/…