I ran the following script tracking allocations:
using Pkg
using JuMP, LinearAlgebra, NLPModels, NLPModelsJuMP, NLPModelsTest # main version of NLPModelsTest
nlp_problems …
Dagger relies on MemPool.jl to provide a storage management system which provides:
- An LRU/MRU implementation for moving data between RAM and disk
- `StorageDevice` abstractions for defining arbitr…
On master and 1.6.4, on MacOS (other platforms not tested yet)
_ _ _(_)_ | Documentation: https://docs.julialang.org
(_) | (_) (_) |
_ _ _| |_ …
using JuMP
function foo()
model = Model()
@variable(model, x[1:N,1:M], Bin)
LHS = sum(x, dims=4)
RHS = fill(1, (N))
@assert size(LHS) == (N, M)
Many C libraries have functions like the following:
``` c++
void fastadd(size_t len, const double *a, const double *b, double *c)
These functions assume that the arrays have contiguous memory la…
I am using the following call to OSQP via JuMP in Julia:
@variable(m1, x[1:n] >= 0)
@objective(m1, Min, - dot(g,x));
@constraint(m1, sum(m[i]*x[i] for i in 1:n) == 1.0);
Dans l'exemple https://github.com/0Yassine0/COTS.jl/blob/ecf06913a04366f415d3fce6add10f6ee8c0a5b3/TestProblems/testChain.ipynb#L414 je n'ai pas réussi à déterminer les premières primitives avec la règ…
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Burned myself with this one with `Threads.@spawn` multithreading.
The `Opt` object is not thread-safe, and reusing it leads to problems.
I'd argue this is enough of a footgun that possibly NLopt…
As discussed with Russell and Kaarthik