### 스터디자료
* Engvid
* How to improve your English with MUSIC and MOVIES! - https://youtu.be/7pUvu7zkb1w
* English Grammar: Definite Adverbs of Frequency - https://youtu.be/kUpkypydA0g
* TED Tal…
In the paper, it seems that you combined the two steps of reinforcement learning into one step, forming an end-to-end training method. The specific algorithm is shown in the figure.
- [ ] What is classification? Supervised learning.
- [ ] Algorithm for classification: K-nearest neighbor
- [ ] Other libraries for classification: Weka-for-Processing (I'll make something based on…
I am trying to apply different contrastive learning algorithms to some other fields. I found y…
Hi, I am a participant of Hacktoberfest. I would like Linear Regression Algorithm in Machine Learning . Kindly assign me this issue. Thank you.
I have been working on Endnet Autoencoder, and there are a few bugs I encountered in the code Endnet.ipynb;
1. TensorFlow 2.2.0 is not available from python version 3.9, so removing the specificati…
Adding some explaination and other research resources for the applied Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
The intrinsic `conjg()` accepts only arguments of type `complex`. However, there are numerous instances in linear algebra and machine learning where a generic algorithm must work for data types of `re…
This repo is really great and helpful! I enjoy working with that. Thank you for your great work:)
I find your repo so potential and I wonder if you have a plan to support some new algorithms such a…
Thank you for your awesome work, I am also learning to use fastai v2 to refactor the SSD algorithm, and I hope to add mAP calculation in fastai v2.