Thanks to Cppers on reddit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/cpp/comments/10vrv4i/seeking_improve_advice_on_my_c_network_library/).
Currently the `Looper` use `std::map` to keep track of which connec…
org.rekotlin.Store._defaultDispatch Store.kt:125
org.rekotlin.Store$dispatchFunction$1.invoke Store.kt:53
org.rekotlin.Store$dispatchFunction$1.invoke Store.kt:29
Hello everyone! In my test project, I am trying to implement Navigator Scoped ViewModel so that when the navigator on the screen is destroyed, the ViewModel is also destroyed. However, when I try to d…
As reported on https://discord.com/channels/963222352534048818/1270235803708166184:
> If I close out the "Bring your device closer" and go into the logs this is what I get in the Bluetooth
### Step 1: Describe your environment
* Android device: Android Emualtor
* Android OS version: Android 11
* Google Play Services version: 21.2.0
* Firebase/Play Services SDK version:…
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not copy bitmap to parcel blob.
at android.graphics.Bitmap.nativeWriteToParcel(Native Method)
### Stack trace -
Exception java.lang.RuntimeException:
at android.app.ActivityThread.handleReceiver (ActivityThread.java:4890)
at android.app.ActivityThread.-$$Nest$mhandleReceiver (Ac…
Crash happened after provide my own credentials
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'com.shopify.buy3.Storefront$Shop com.shopify.buy3.Storefront$QueryRoot.getShop()…
### Version
Media3 1.2.0
### More version details
Using a thread looper rather than main thread in the custom player, it got crashed.
Then delay few milliseconds at the end of service `onCre…
I have updated latest version and while testing I saw one crashed
1. Click on Credit or Debit Card
2. Enter the card number after entering the card number click on Next
3. Show the expirati…