# DESCANSO Book Series
Deep Space Communications and Navigation Series Volume 7
Deep Space Optical Communications
- https://descanso.jpl.nasa.gov/monograph/series7_chapter.html
- [Deep Space…
Servus zusammen,
scheibar bekomme ich das Brett vorm Kopf nicht mehr weg nachdem ich die funktionierende SD-Karte überschrieben habe.
Nach dieser Anleitung denke ich, ich habe nun merhfach versu…
Crash is seen in nrc_wim_event_handler, during driver load.
modprobe nrc fw_name=nrc7292_cspi.bin bd_name=nrc7292_bd.dat spi_bus_num=$BUSNO spi_polling_interval=5 hifspeed=30000000
Driver base: ht…
Do you plan to support also PIC18 family?
While I run command:
return this error:
avr-gcc -g -Wall -Os -fno-split-wide-ty…
In stm32h7-43_53.xml line 209 FDCAN type is stm32-h7, but lbuild not found it.
If I change to stm32, it will be found but the modm FDCAN template driver is not compatible with the STM32H7.
I m new when it comes using ceedling to ensure some unit test of my embeded application
though after a lot of researchs and trials I failed producing a test converage for my app :
This issue is similar (and probably related) to #170
The main difference is that in this case it occurs on SAMD51 and memory corruption occurs at 0x4000 with the result that the board loses the ci…
sjev updated
2 months ago
Hi Martonmiklos,
I've been trying to solve this since you help me to build and run this project but i have no succes...
The problem is that I connect the bootloader and try to erase flash and this…
I've the LED blink example program and that code is working fine in the Xplained Pro board and the same hex is not working in the SiP module.
Kindly help me to clarify the issue.