It would be great to have an option to ignore optional dependencies.
My project has external snapshot dependencies and its intry show as
Would like to see it as
Is it time that we move our primary build tool to maven? I would like to open up that question for a discussion.
We have been maintaining two different build chains for quite a while now (maven an…
This project has been in beta for about 4 years. Do you still consider this project beta? Can a 1.0 release be made?
I have included the plugin as shown , but its not working. Please note that I need Git Branch in Version Tag.
The tests start up a server on port 8080. Instead, it should start the server on a random port and then use that. Otherwise it's very possible to collide with something else running on the machine.
When creating an aggregated report with `license:aggregate-third-party-report`, the resulting file contains links to the (non existing) file `third-party-report.html`
Either fix the name of the fil…
When using a missing file for the missing licenses, the following two licenses are always missing.
The maven-versions-plugin has a task called ``use-releases`` https://www.mojohaus.org/versions-maven-plugin/use-releases-mojo.html
Which allows me to automatically updated dependencies like ``com.e…
Hi Guglielmo
I am trying to execute the CNN example of the Chapter 4 .
I have downloaded the mnist file and unzipped under the directory /mnist_png/training but running the spark submit command I …