This is from the `landice_humboldt_mesh-3km_decomposition_test_velo-none_calving-ismip6_retreat` test case run on Chicoma, but I ran into the same issue with a whole-GIS run on Perlmutter. It seems th…
Currently its only possible to call `rpc.useWebView(new WebView('path/to/webview.html')` once. This works great for SPA but not for MPA.
It would be nice if there was a possibility to do something …
@hollyhan and @xylar. While updating landice framework documentation in https://github.com/MPAS-Dev/compass/pull/587 to address https://github.com/MPAS-Dev/compass/issues/571, I noticed that the `comp…
Just want to make a note that by commenting out `stop` in src/driver/mpas.F, a list of IEEE signalling notes in job logs can be disabled.
`Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling…
Before the CESM2 release, the DART project would like to have more
testing of DART-relevant parts of CESM included as standard procedure.
This would:
+ Enable evaluation of CESM model performance
@xylar @milenaveneziani I ran MPAS-Analysis on a short simulation and the colorplots for SSS seem to disagree (e.g. look at [SSS-Aquarius ](https://compy-dtn.pnl.gov/bart765/E3SMv2/20221202.v2_1.impac…
@hsiangheleellnl and @tangq: I'm working on modifying zppy plugins to load and use external python modules. But I think the ChemDyg code needs more restructuring before I can go any further.
I was…
**Please describe the package or library you would like to add to spack-stack.**
`parmetis` is the parallelized version of the graph partitioning library `metis` and used by several codes that work w…
We should probably remove `--sourcemap` from the `remix build` command.
From GitHub Action:
Represents the neighboring faces of each edge.
From the UGRID conventions
> edge_face_connectivity pointing to an index variable identifying all faces that share the same edge, i. e. are neighb…