The large comment at the top of [cmake/Sanitizers.cmake](https://github.com/LDMX-Software/ldmx-sw/blob/trunk/cmake%2FSanitizers.cmake) gives lots of helpful overview, but I think a nicer page in the d…
Currently the output of `lagoon get environment -p PROJECT -e ENVIRONMENT` is really wide.
Can we please have it in a nicer output, which would allow us to also grep things? Something like `lagoon …
I think the UI could be simplified so it looks more modern. This issue brings some ideas.
Remove the white border from the selected search engine input:
When I'm looking for a patch by category, even if I enter "CATEGORY=perc" or some similar search string, the results I get are limited to the currently selected author. So if I want to have a bird's v…
I opened #1492 to support STL files, which is a 3D model file format. I wanted to add it, to encourage people to experiment with making STL inscriptions. But, since it isn't a native browser format, t…
this can also make our code slightly nicer in places
I love OnlyOffice and the fact that it has an Draw.io integration makes it even better. However, I have the issue that the diagram from Draw.io plugin is displayed with a low resolution, which …
Instead of file names like "nitrokey-app-v1.2.exe/dmg" it would be nicer to name them "Nitrokey App.exe/dmg"
If you change the code from
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "name");
il.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException).GetConstructor(new
Type[] { typeof(string) }));