#### Problem description
I am importing atmospheric cloud fraction data from the PATMOSx OpenDap server (https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/thredds/satellite/avhrr-cloudprops-patmos-x.html). Cloud fraction …
sa7bnt@owncloud:~/autowx2$ python genpasstable.py
1. discard NOAA 19, keep ISS
1. discard NOAA 15, keep ISS
1. discard NOAA 15, keep ISS
1. discard NOAA 18, keep ISS
1. discard NOAA 18, kee…
I have a question mark as I'm not sure if it's the reason, but I see a problem in the divining of XYZT at these lines https://github.com/hypertidy/ncmeta/blob/ce8ca204173bd5916b8c3…
This SatPy Enhancement Proposal [SEP] is to finalize reader naming conventions for all readers provided by SatPy. This issue is set for v0.11 which I think will be the "break all the readers and renam…
trying to load `chlor_a/anom_9k`, testing w/ DasDds:
getting metadataFrom /mbon_data_big/satellite/chlor_a/anom_9km/A20181822018212_chlor_a_MO_ANOM_GLOB_9km.nc
ftLastMod first=2018-09-06T14…
7yl4r updated
6 years ago
Reminded about this by convo in https://github.com/edgi-govdata-archiving/100days/issues/43
[Research groups](https://littlesis.org/groups) allow LittleSis analysts to work together on research pro…
Is it possible, to embed mlrpt for Meteor M2 images as well ? It would be nice, to have a high quality weather-picture source as well.
Should be easy to implement another module for this case, (exc…
Right now, all NOAA records will be saved in autowx2. Don't know why. All other records seems to be fine.
Something you can confirm?
Hallo, after 2 weeks nonstop running im getting this error in the morning. I have updated the keppler but still having this issue.
sa7bnt@owncloud:~/autowx2$ python autowx2.py
2018-10-02 08:03 …
When looking at SRS collections you will find 2 distinct letter casing used:
1. "... SRS Satellite..."
2. "... SRS SATELLITE..."
It would be good to have a consistent choice. Personally, I'd choo…