3 June 2022
Descriptive Physical Oceanography: Chapter 1, Introduction to Descriptive Physical Oceanography
- Physical oceanography: generally focuses on the physical move…
I've been thinking about the procedural generation of terrain, and I've begun to write some algorithms for it. I've run into some issues. Fair warning, this is a long post. Lots of questions.
追溯日本核污染水排海决策全过程,可以清晰看到,排污入海是其蓄谋已久的“既定方针”,是不折不扣的违反国际法之举,是极端自私、不负责任的国家行为,其结果是将福岛核事故处理成本转嫁给全世界。 8月22日,日本民众在东京首相官邸前紧急集会,抗议政府无视民意启动核污染水排海。
A common workflow to get geospatial datasets ML-ready is to reproject them to the correct UTM zone they originate in with fixed `xres` and `yres` in order to work with them directly in pixel space. Th…
**Additional bonuses for building on sponsor products**
- Build on **The Graph**, an indexing & query protocol for dApps & become eligible for $1k bonus
- Build on **Celo** and become eligible for $…
![brave_screenshot_terraforming-mars herokuapp com (5)](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/3380da3d-fd5b-4376-bd2c-f189d21fadc5)
Please include:
1. A clear and concise description of the bug…
Early game travel across oceans or oppress can be tiresome and hard at times. With the density of forests or cliffs of mountains and drag of oceans it makes you wish sometimes for a viral travel opti…
Hack for the Sea is a "blue" hackathon: Blue tech, blue economy, blue sky. We gather professionals from all fields, of all ages in one place for a weekend in Cape Ann, Massachusetts to put our heads t…
nc_atts returns a list col so that all attributes can be stored in value. We'll need to have helpers to
* unpack just the attributes for a variable
Probably we can just spread the list col by na…
**Proposer's names** Beate Geyer and Burkhardt Rockel
**Date** 2020/08/21
_In numerical land surface models lake properties are taken into account. Lakes and reservoirs are included whereas rivers…