I'm trying to use your littlefoot plugin -- but I need to make some modifications to support the way that Pandoc labels footnotes in html. I was hoping to be able to do this with `octopress ink copy`,…
I am attempting to install jekyll-scholar with a theme that uses the `bundler` gem. I have added it to the config.yml:
- jekyll-scholar
- jekyll-sitemap
and also to the Gemfile:
### Issue Summary:
Navigation settings prevent using https for links in same domain while setup is in http
[Image of the problem page http://puu.sh/lwHUh/fb3b4f8c37.png](http://puu.sh/lwHUh/fb3b4f8c3…
Allu2 updated
8 years ago
I now get the following error:
Building site: source -> public
/path/to/curriculum/plugins/backtick_code_block.rb:14:in `gsub': incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8 (Encoding::C…
- http://www.mk-mode.com/octopress/2014/02/02/unicorn-logrotation/
I have installed `jekyll`and all dependencies like described in http://mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes/theme-setup/. Trying to build or serve the content of this page with `jekyll`I'm getting fol…
The link to your blog in this repo's readme file is dead. Probably because it's a github.io blog and you just changed your username.
As a general note I'm always happy when I see other people who ac…
# ベース
- モダン
- 落ち着きのあるページ
- シンプル
- 派手じゃない
- 淡いパステル
# あったらいいなぁ
- ジブリっぽさ(トトロは特に好き)
- フッタでの遊び
# 好きなデザイン
- http://mark-story.com/ (CakePHP開発者。フッタ辺りとか好き)
- http://blog.instagram.com/ (Instagra…
When I include the assets, it creates a /javascripts directory. I'd rather it put that file in /js. How do I change that behavior?
tohuw updated
9 years ago
Has this plugin been tried with Octopress?