It seems like the types returned by the inequality predicates (`>`, `>=`, `
I am currently trying to write shape expressions on Wikidata, specifically for disease, genes and proteins. Wikidata uses property numbers as predicates. (i.e. wdt:P31 = "instance of", wdt:P279 = "sub…
Another under-specified behaviour:
When serialising in OWL, `sssom-py` renders mappings that use a `skos:(exact|narrow|broad|related|close)Match` predicate as if the predicate was an …
> (require '[matcher-combinators.standalone :refer [match?]])
> (match? {:a :b} {:a :b})
> (match? keyword? (first (keys {:a :b})))
> (match? keyword? (first (vals {:a …
Not sure why I didn't see this coming. Until now, the treatment of regions in trait matching has intentionally ignored lifetimes (in the sense of, it did not consider lifetime constraints when decidin…
Some background. I use refined all over [binrep](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/binrep) to define binary representation building blocks. One such building block is `data NullPad (n :: Natural)`/`…
In [AcceleratedArrays.jl](https://github.com/andyferris/AcceleratedArrays.jl) I've been playing with "search intervals" for querying data, for example finding all the dates within a given range with t…
See https://github.com/assert-rs/assert_cmd/issues/121 for an example
The main question is how to resolve this in a way that is what people expect and works for them.
epage updated
3 years ago
@boxed maybe I've added enough complexity already, but here's another proposal :P
Consider a dummy case like `(transform {:a [4 3 1]} [:a last] inc)`.
Obviously that won't work, as it'll be called…
So, when running this DSL query on `arax-backup.rtx.ai` (the `production` dev-area) last night:
add_qnode(name=arthritis, key=n00)
add_qnode(categories=biolink:Protein, is_set=true, key=n01)