Looks like we need to react to the map resize events and rebuild our translation matrices.
On the plus side, it is apparent now that webGL is smart about not rendering things that fall offscreen :)
Losing this in 0.13.X broke Om applications like CircleCI that used this to maintain an snapshot of their entire application (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yHFTN-_mOo). This permitted full serializ…
First I'd like to thank you for your extensive work on animations and transitions in the meteor community. I've been very happy with your libraries so far.
What I'm attempting to do is create hero tr…
Is `Component.prototype.mount` in use? It seems not to be called anywhere.
``` js
this.mount = function($el) {
// trigger didMount aut…
at latest master d6c7ab67bf4d51255a0fd268c0faff49ce94d1a2
$ node --version
clean `npm install` (from empty `node_modules` dir):
npm WARN install Couldn't install optional depende…
╭─kumavis@xyzs-MacBook-Pro ~/dev
╰─$ git clone git@github.com:ssbc/patchwork.git
Cloning into 'patchwork'...
remote: Counting objects: 7636, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (428/428), …
I'm getting this error seemingly out of random; it may or may not appear while rendering the same data, and even if it does appear, there are about 50% of chance that everything will look and work lik…
Have you seen or heard of the toolbar occasionally getting out of place relative to the keyboard?
I've cornered a hard-to-reproduce situation which causes the toolbar to be behind the…
How am I supposed to do sensible animations when moving children actually doesn't move the DOM nodes around but instead triggers a series of creations and removals?
Open the brackets project and collapse all top-level nodes
all disclosure triangles.
Expanding the tree node shows it but clicking other node will hide it again. Feels random.
Also, the `context-…