Hello :)
I am trying to calculate Bayes Factors in accordance with [this informative blog post](https://easystats.github.io/blog/posts/bayestestr_emmeans/) about how to do this with `emmeans` and `…
It would be nice to add support for clm / clmm (from the [ordinal](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ordinal/index.html) package).
> rs = ordinal::clmm(dv~iv+(1|subj),df)
> sjPlot::p…
@hsonne As the title says. Currently on every build wee take the latest version. IMHO we should pin these down to a specific version. If you agree can you provide the syntax and the versions or create…
I cannot find eff.size for lmer object with report even if specified in the formula. How can I get this?
Additionaly I found missing values in the text due to a bug I think ;)
Many thanks!
> …
When calling `summary()` on a model fitted with `algorithm = "fullrank"` gives an error when displaying the Diagnistic, probably because the column is named `khat`, not `Rhat`.
``` r
Hi, I'm getting an error while trying out the example here: https://www.tidymodels.org/start/tuning/
The error is:
Error: A `parameters` object has required columns.\nMissing columns: 'nam…
#### Summary:
Add psis.py from https://github.com/avehtari/PSIS/tree/master/py
#### Description:
It would be nice is PyStan would include PSIS-LOO
Python code is available at https://github.com/…
@strengejacke @pdwaggoner @mattansb @humanfactors @IndrajeetPatil
I know it's summer and all, but if you wanna *really* relax at the beach, enjoying a nice Pina colada and a good read, I can only …
This is a long example, so I though just for demonstration purposes, I show the print-out in this issue (instead of other issues, where this would clutter up the thread).
We could also fix the prin…
I'm new to Bayesian stats and I have been learning through your helpful online resources. I have recently been following the guide on how to implement restriction models (https://easystats.github.io/b…