**Describe the bug**
When trying to do build-storybook it gets to 92% and then fails with the following out of memory error:
92% chunk asset optimization TerserPlugin
FATAL ERROR: Ineffectiv…
Hi, I see nice M.ui layout/slider advertised here:
I look in git and the closest is sidedrawer.html. It looks bad. (nothing in menu on top to show me how to do middle/center/right;…
### Issue and Steps to Reproduce
Cannot use any keyboard key or shortcut for any file inside the file tree pane.
### Expected Behavior
Use cases:
1. I wanna copy and paste a file, so I select th…
I would like to use bootstrap 4 and bootstrap 5 default validation classes, but seem not possible.
For display `.invalid-feedback` the input must have `.is-invalid` or `.valid-feedback` with `.is-v…
_From @yudhath on September 25, 2017 3:33_
**Type**: bug
**Ionic Version**: 3.x
**Platform**: all
While running ionic serve no file changes trigger a reload or have any effect. (live reloa…
Are there plans to support TypeScript? There's some good work here, would love to see type-safety built in.
Even just a CSS file that gets added — I think it will be useful to have Sass helpers like `@include full-absolute(4px)` (yes I'm aware of inset 😛 )
Let me know when the project can be started any of the participants
I was experimenting with the library and found that there is no way to access the :hover pseudo-class nor any other pseudo-class or pseudo-element.
First I tried nested css, something like this:
Created svg.d.ts file with the following contents:
declare module '*.svg' {
const content: any
export default content
Then using in a component this way:
import regist…