Are there plans to support TypeScript? There's some good work here, would love to see type-safety built in.
_From @yudhath on September 25, 2017 3:33_
**Type**: bug
**Ionic Version**: 3.x
**Platform**: all
While running ionic serve no file changes trigger a reload or have any effect. (live reloa…
Hi, I see nice M.ui layout/slider advertised here:
I look in git and the closest is sidedrawer.html. It looks bad. (nothing in menu on top to show me how to do middle/center/right;…
I am currently trying to migrate Vuetify v2 to v3, which included changes from overriding variables globally to overriding in `@use 'vuetify' with ()`. In v2, we can use multiple @import files to impo…
Let me know when the project can be started any of the participants
I was experimenting with the library and found that there is no way to access the :hover pseudo-class nor any other pseudo-class or pseudo-element.
First I tried nested css, something like this:
Great that you created this repo. Time to start planning.
There are a few things to discuss:
1. How much time does each person here have to code on a new wallabase? I will probably take +200 hours to…
s4wny updated
10 years ago
Created svg.d.ts file with the following contents:
declare module '*.svg' {
const content: any
export default content
Then using in a component this way:
import regist…
While generating a project with superplate, this an error occured.
here's the full terminal outputs:
PS C:\Users\himas\Documents\Programming\DiscordFa> npx superplate-cli bots
Need to inst…
I've been going over google and the issues but I can't seem to get it to work.
I opened a new .js file and it won't complete things that I could see exists in the code intel project.
I'd be glad if …