Hi, I see nice M.ui layout/slider advertised here:
I look in git and the closest is sidedrawer.html. It looks bad. (nothing in menu on top to show me how to do middle/center/right;…
Hi Manfred,
in your example I can't load images belonging to the remote app from the shell.
Your specific case works because the angular.png image exist also in the shell app and is that one that is…
Even just a CSS file that gets added — I think it will be useful to have Sass helpers like `@include full-absolute(4px)` (yes I'm aware of inset 😛 )
I am currently trying to migrate Vuetify v2 to v3, which included changes from overriding variables globally to overriding in `@use 'vuetify' with ()`. In v2, we can use multiple @import files to impo…
Are there plans to support TypeScript? There's some good work here, would love to see type-safety built in.
Let me know when the project can be started any of the participants
Created svg.d.ts file with the following contents:
declare module '*.svg' {
const content: any
export default content
Then using in a component this way:
import regist…
MudBlazor version 7.0.0 brings a ton of **breaking changes** which we couldn't postpone any longer as we strive for more consistency and necessary improvements. This migration guide shall make the upg…
henon updated
2 weeks ago
While generating a project with superplate, this an error occured.
here's the full terminal outputs:
PS C:\Users\himas\Documents\Programming\DiscordFa> npx superplate-cli bots
Need to inst…
I've been going over google and the issues but I can't seem to get it to work.
I opened a new .js file and it won't complete things that I could see exists in the code intel project.
I'd be glad if …