Migrate the Sigma rules into the Database to be able to improve various aspects
At the moment, Sigma rules are stored and pulled into Timesketch from disk with os.walk every time an …
Have some rules duplicated. Example:
I am trying to convert some sigma rules into Splunk queries. I use pySigma like this :
`sigma convert -t splunk -p splunk_windows rule_path`
The resulting queries keep the "Image" field…
Some recently added rules to the sigma repository are behaving differently depending on whether they were converted with sigma-cli/pySigma or uncoder.io/sigmac. An example is [Juniper BGP Missing MD5]…
The `sigmac` have been removed from the Sigma repository due to the PR below :(
- https://github.com/SigmaHQ/sigma/pull/4157
It seems that the `sigmac` tool has been moved to the following reposit…
The specification describes the pipe operator (`search_expression | aggregation_expression`) as deprecated. However, there is no alternative to it, and it is still used in lots of sigma rules. Depreca…
When importing quadpy (updated version quadpy-0.16.27), I got the following error message:
Warning: Unable to find valid license in
- environment variable PLM_LICENSE_KEY_SIGMA (env var not…
Stuff that people would like to see on the Sigma overview page:
- [ ] aggregation which rules matched how often
- [ ] Sort table of rules after matches
- [ ] create a view to filter after OS / pr…
Hello !
When trying to convert a sigma rule into savedseaches format i get an error from splunk backend (`backends/splunk/splunk.py`).
Conversion goes smoothly without the `-f savedsearches` flag o…
Using Agda 2.6.4-35a4fbf48b508e1b5a2eddd7dcc5f330d42ab510:
$ mkdir fresh && cd fresh > /dev/null
$ (git clone https://github.com/agda/agda-stdlib.git && cd agda-stdlib && git checkout v1.7.2) >…