We have issues with the following:
.001 glyphs:
Eth.001, bulletoperator.001, perthousand.001, gravecomb.001, acutecomb.001
Bad form:
![screen shot 2017-02-07 at 13 43 36](https://cloud…
Comments to the Author
The authors have developed a tool, DEploid, to infer the number of strains in a mixed infection of Plasmodium falciparum, the relative proportion of each strain and their respe…
I am trying to follow README. While unit tests work fine, I got the following errors at integration tests. Any suggestion?
`$ tox tests/integ
GLOB sdist-make: /Users/andyfeng/dev/sagemaker-python-sd…
`convert -size 1600x1060 -depth 8 d1508-pbonsi-2645.jpg -density 72 -quality 72.25 -scale 1600x1060 -unsharp 0x0.39+0.3+0.05 -`
works well with 7.0.6-3 but aborts without coredump 7.0.6-4 - same bu…
Currently I train a network(20 blocks and 256 filters). It initialized from b8adb7da(78) n2n to 20b 256f. And it is now being trained to b3a80524(99). According to unofficial test by others, it is muc…
Enrich each named entity with list of topics. The list of topics will be derived from DBpedia which refer to `dcterms:subject` information. Output example:
a nif:Word , n…
This is bad as you can see. The initial HTML size is quite big. Netlify supports http/2 so it's not performant inlining everything like you do.
Following our conversation with @peastman, @rafwiewiora, and @ChayaSt last Friday, I've created a new github repo to hold the forcefield conversion code, source forcefields, automated testing harness,…
In Monte Carlo estimation of ELBO gradients, samples are iterated in a for-loop. Is it possible to vectorize samples in the calculation?
Here is my thought based on my very basic understanding Edwa…
Since this commit : https://github.com/sigma-geosistemas/mommy_spatial_generators/commit/a9923549ae65dd8240528a3c3790ce326e8fcd87
When i make
`from mommy_spatial_generators import MOMMY_SPATIAL_FIEL…