Jira issue originally created by user jderrough:
When performing a doctrine schema update with Symfony2 ('php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force --verbose') using a custom PostGIS type mappin…
On a new project running:
composer require --dev behat/behat -v
Results in:
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Ins…
Jira issue originally created by user devantoine:
The schema-tools, used via the CLI, is not able to detect schema's changes when working on multiple schemas.
For instance, the ORM is configured wit…
actor: CliTester
- Asserts
- Cli
step_decorators: ~
#### What are you trying to achieve?
#### What do you get instead?
> Provide console output if r…
Received the following warnings from php-mode once recompiled gives out these errors:
Warning (bytecomp): reference to free variable ‘php-project-available-root-files’
Warning (bytecomp): the f…
Gleek updated
2 years ago
Jira issue originally created by user eagleoneraptor:
I'm noticed a strange behaviour when I executed a migration for my Oracle database. Doctrine detects changes on all `date` columns, gener…
Jira issue originally created by user reket:
At fist created issue in migrations https://github.com/doctrine/migrations/issues/258 but was referenced here.
I'm using Symfony2. In entities schemas co…
Just yesterday Doctrine 2.9 has been released: https://www.doctrine-project.org/2021/05/24/orm2.9.html
The major new feature is support of PHP 8 attributes for ORM data mapping in addition to alrea…
Jira issue originally created by user naitsirch:
When I insert decimals into database I get the following error message:
{quote}ORA-01722: invalid number{quote}
Oracle wants decimals (e.g. NUMBER(5,…