From [veriscommunity.net](http://www.veriscommunity.net/doku.php?id=actions#variety1):
> VERIS uses WASC's Threat Classification as a baseline for this list; descriptions of these attacks [can be fou…
I have tried to consume the stix documents from _hailataxii.com_. I tried both _stix2cef.xml_ and _stix2splunk.xml_ for the feed _guest.Abuse_ch_. Both of these stylesheet cannot transform the poll re…
by **anthonyeden**:
It is possible to create a prefix on elements by simply defining the prefix as part of
the name in the XMLName declaration, but the xmlns attribute is output without the
prefix. E…
I don't understand how to load external threat feeds into OpenTAXII. For example, how would I go about loading the feeds from [HailATaxii](http://hailataxii.com/) into my OpenTAXII server?
I have a taxii server which have services `discovery`, `collection-management`, `poll` and `inbox`.
Now what is endpoint service is it discovery or collection or poll ?
I want to poll data from the server using cabby.
I have pushed the stix content successfully using `taxii-push --host localhost:9000 --discovery /services/discovery-a --content-file ~/Downloads/OpenTA…
this would be a nice tool to bridge into the Centos 7 VM. working on and or packetbeats file beats etc.
https://github.com/StamusNetworks/SELKS nextgen devs @ HPE.com …
The ability to define relationships between actions is missing from the language description document. Similar functionality exists only in the RESPONSE action, which relates back to the…
I'm getting this error when "Previewing" pretty much any TLO in the Taxii Service tab on a TLO's detail page.
StringIO instance has no __call__ method
crits_services/taxii_service/handlers.py in…
Add function per object and globally to export indicators to a variety of formats. Initial formats could be STIX, TAXII, Bro intel, Snort rules, etc.