I'd like to use tello library from C# or VB.NET. I think that [gRPC](https://grpc.io) may be a solution to consume this library from a .NET desktop application.
What do you think about im…
Such as Bounce Mode, Throw & Go
I'm using Unity 2018.1.5f1
When the project first loads, In Master scene, TelloVideo gameobject is missing two scripts and TelloBatteryStatus gameobject is missing one script.
I assigned TelloContro…
DualShock4 controller is unable to yaw the Tello to the left using the ds4Drv driver.
## Expected Behavior
The Left stick X axis should correspond to the Tello's yaw in both directions.
## Curr…
Although I can infer from the markdown syntax that code spans are quoted by backticks `` ` ``, but the documentation [here](https://atom.io/docs/api/v1.30.0/Config#title-and-description) really confus…
How to get video image from downward camera? I would like to do some swarming project.
## Expected Behavior
## Current Behavior
## Possible Solution
maybe add Autofly (direction,distance) like scratch or python but can adjust speed ( more than 1m/s ) and more range…
Hello. Thank you for sharing the good sdk.
Does tello send the imu data such as vellocity, yaw etc?
Thank you.
hi, i have a question on the right way to use conventional commits and changelogs with lerna. everytime i run lerna publish, i seem to be getting duplicate changelog entires and i'm not sure what i'm…
I am wondering that is it possible to get the video feeding or not
using by sdk?