* .NET Core Version: happens both with `3.1.401` and `5.0.100-preview.8.20417.9`
* Windows version: Win 10 (1909) 10.0.18363
* Does the bug reproduce also in WPF for .NET Framework 4.8?: for TFMs `n…
nzain updated
2 years ago
Phone - HTC one M9
Put Transmitter ID/ SN number in correctly
after the 120 minute (2 hour) mark says "Please wait, need 2 readings from transmitter first" and doesn't change after it hits that
I'm no…
## What you will learn
* Using the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi for both input and output
* How to connect motors via a motorboar…
there was a common problem with your library and all of the programs which i wrote in the past and that was problem initilizing sd card in first definition step.
if (!SD.begin(SD_CS_PIN)) {}
was ra…
## ゴール
- jruby上でspecを全部通す。
- 通す為にコードを修正することもある。
- fluentd をjrubyで動かす。
- fluentd をoneJarにする。
I have been using the 2020 version of OSPOS, and the bugs are repairable, nothing serious. So, now with version 3.3.9, it is quite stable. I think we should move on from CodeIgniter 3 and focus on 3.4…
The repository interface in OpenSearch enables storing snapshot data in an external object store. It is implemented as a plugin interface, and the OpenSearch bundle by default ships with multiple plug…
**Describe the problem you have/What new integration you would like**
It would be nice to have a support for DS2484 or DS2482 so that 1-wire bus is more reliable over a long distance.
Good morning from Spain. My xbridge works fine for a while and suddenly starts to lose readings and there is no way to make it work (I have to "forget device", reboot xbridge, and restart all the "blu…