- download the felix-tornadofx-5.4.0.zip
- create a maven project using the tornadofx-maven-osgi-project
- cp the jar from the project to the bundle directory
- start felix
- felix starts throwing CSS…
Hey Edvin,
could you think of any way to make it possible updating the build in jre too?
Besides customizing the updater ui (which was mentioned in another issue) and passing in some jmv arguments, it…
The `onDock()` and `onUndock()` functionalities need to be covered in the Components chapter.
Hey @edvin, I'm not getting any intent to generate columns for the `TableView` in the TornadoFX plugin, as shown in [your webcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11rcRnJw76s). What exactly do I do to…
Hi Edvin,
I noticed that the link to the Window's Native Installer won't work. Are you able to fix this?
The following view produces the following output:
import javafx.geometry.Orientation
import tornadofx.*
class FormView : View("My Form") {
override val root = stackpane {
`textfield( model.myInt )`
where **model.myInt** is an Integer property is not supported whereas the following is:
bind( model.myInt )
Is this by design or an ov…
As demonstrated in the [OSGi screencast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liOFCH5MMKk), TornadoFX let's a bundle export a View to other bundles by calling this function:
``` kotlin
edvin updated
8 years ago
I don't know if this is something you want to pursue, Edvin, since I'm not sure of the effort/value ratio.
I'm documenting the rest of the plugin chapter in the guide. I noticed to generate TornadoF…