Podemos asumir que M es una máquina de Turing determinista?
### Summary
This chapter of the communication includes 'Posters', but contains very little about poster presentation and design.
### What needs to be done?
Having just presented my first posters …
How can people contactCCRP projects to minimise admin time?
- [Contact page](https://colouring.london/contact.html) links to:
- [discussion forum](https://discuss.colouring.london/)
- [GitHub…
## Introduction to Data Science for Biomedical Scientists: Turing-Crick Partnership Project
Thanks for contributing to The Carpentries Incubator repo: Managing Computational Projects!
This repo…
- [ ] rails bridge
- [ ] rails girls
- [ ] girl develop it
- [x] turing.io
- [ ] gschool
- [ ] dev bootcamp
- [ ] hackbright
- [ ] flatiron school
- [ ] code school
- [x] code newbies
Please suggest …
This is to link to the initial discussion about the development of this pipeline:
Trying to do the following:
```docker run -it --rm myDockerimg:latest start-notebook.sh --NotebookApp.base_url=/turing/notebooks/f63e305a-539a-4487-b68d-6a147fafb6ee --NotebookApp.token=2VIKxSkcA8o6m…
The Turing Way does not include a section on this topic -- is this something we could contribute from the guide?
The Turing Way does not include a section on this topic -- is this something we could contribute from the guide?
Description of event:
Bowling Social Event, for PhD students at the Turing, using the Student Social Fund
# Planning
### What is required?
- [ ] IMPORTANT: 2 or 3 weeks heads up to Academic S…