Here is the error in the Chrome console that appears when trying to change language:
Occurring in the function:
// languageText Handlebars …
Currently cross-measure beams are limited to two adjacent measures, and another cross-measure beam is not allowed into the following measure.
The cross-measure beam between measures 1…
Cross-bar beams are currently only allowed to go across one measure:
In measures 3-5 there should be a beam across two barlines, but currently cross-bar beams are only allowed to travel across …
Add Synco filter which identifies/highlight syncopated notes.
Sometimes, when I add puncta to an existing oblique (straight-outta-OMR), when I group the neume components the oblique goes wonky:
Related to PR https://github.com/rism-digital/verovio/pull/2693 and somewhat related to issue https://github.com/rism-digital/verovio/issues/2625, another possibility is to use `note@vel` to control p…
Verovio cannot handle all allowed encodings of booleans in MEI.
Things like `num.visible="false"` work fine.
What doesn't work (and throws a warning) is `num.visible=" false "`, although this is …
Ledger lines for whole notes, half notes and quarter notes look great. However, ledger lines for eighth notes and smaller are different from quarter/half notes. Is there a reason for that? It seems…
Related to issue https://github.com/humdrum-tools/verovio-humdrum-viewer/issues/664 and #663, allow for reference records to be switched between original and modern scores. This will primarily affect…
**Problem Description**
In version 3.5.0 a change has been introduced that misinterprets the tempo specification, adding 0.5 BPM to the speicified tempo. For example, a specified tempo of 120 BPM wil…