Can we have dedicated volt php blocks? Instead of having to use ``
ghost updated
5 years ago
Hello! I want to develop boinc client based on Zephir lang. How can i get the tasks via api? (socket, HTTP, etc..)
For example, for project: Einstein@Home
Thanks for answers!
Todo for @sergeyklay
When running the following test with codeception:
public function test(UnitTester $I)
$container = new \Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault();
$request = $container->get('reques…
When I set view params and call getRender, the variables are visible in the view but out of their scope (in action) too.
$di->set('view', function () use ($config) {
$view = new View…
Relating to this Forum Post: https://forum.phalconphp.com/edit/discussion/19579
Hey Guys,
I set up a new environment on macOS 10.14.4 using MAMP with PHP 7.3.1.
The Phalcon extension is working…
From @xueron
> When I use Phalcon in a multi-process scene, I have to remove any DB connections copied from parent.
> so I add two methods: one check a shared instance for a service exists or n…
I want to do this
## zephir code
``` js
class ZephirClass {
public static function passvar( & a ) { // this line parse error
let a["xxx"] = "999999";
## php code
``` php
I am planning to use zephir to create a php extension which needs to use SOAP REST API's.
Kindly let me know if I can use php standard classes in zephir-lang.
class MyDi extends \Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault
protected $alias=[];
* @return array
public function getAllAlias()
return $this->alias;