When I try to push with overwrite specified now I get this error.
zowe cics-deploy push bundle --name CICSJS02 --zosmf-profile zosmf2c --cics-deploy-profile deploy --ssh-profile ssh2Ckey --ow
When using CLI to list workflows from a zosmf , the _zowe wf ls aw_ command can list all the active workflow. But when I use _--wn_ to list a specified workflow, it failed when there's space in…
I put an invalid codepage in my .zosattributes.
I have a simple png file ( that has data in it).
*.png binary bacon
An empty file is created on z/OS and this error is returned.
I believe…
_From @MarkAckert on April 17, 2018 12:20_
This is just a small detail.
I have called `bright -y zosmf validate profile --bpn **REMOVED**` for a profile that does not allow untrusted…
When running the following command:
`zowe files upload dtu "node_modules" "/a/dumal01/test111" -r`
"node_modules" folder having +32.000 files, I get the following error:
Command Error:
`zowe zos-files list data-set` shows extensive help about all the missing and optional parameters:
zowe zos-files list data-set
Syntax Error:
Missing Positional Argument: dataSetName
If I run without escaped directorys on windows - the home directory get U: prefix.
$ zowe cics-deploy deploy bundle --name LOOPER --bundledir /u/atkinc/bundles/Looper_1.0.0/ --cics-deploy-profile a…
I am deploying to a scope with more than one region. The second region fails to enable to the nodejsapp ( due to the port being in use on the first ). The PUSH command reports this from the DFHDPLY …
The USS extension requires menu options for Create, Delete and Rename
This seems to happen to various users. We know a workaround for now that seems to resolve the problem, but don't know the root cause.
If you uninstall the extension, then go to your home directory…