Hi, I'm working on InterCom for a long time and I think I finally get to the point I can propose a good db design I have read all feature requests and add some of my and this is what comes of it.
I have followed the readme file exactly. It seems to work, but I don't get the necessary styles applied.
This is what I have after following the readme;
![screenshot from 2016-10-13 14-00-12](https:…
ghost updated
7 years ago
How to use Top Nav Layout based on https://adminlte.io/themes/AdminLTE/pages/layout/top-nav.html ?
While text inputs and other inputs as well seem to work ok, when a textarea field has a validation error it is throwing me this warning
Warning (2): trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array g…
I`ve noticed that in new version of serenity if you bundle scripts together. (Enabled:true)
2 new issues occur
like this code
.less(config.resource('styles/app.less'), config.compile('css/app.css'), {
relativeUrls: false
Convert Flatly and Adminlte themes to Laravel Mix. They now use Laravel Elixir.
I'm not sure if the migration is easy.
I've created a prefix named "admin". The theme is installed and works fine.
There is only one problem when I override the element files : they are not loaded and I still have the default ones. H…
Wating to documentation...