Ok lets recap the high level requirements that lots of people have asked for:
1) ability as consumer to swap from google maps to openstreet map / bing / etc
2) ability as guide editor to set prefe…
This is a problem that really needs to be addressed and have some kind of solution if my OSM Renderer for ArcGIS is really to have value.
Currently, the **Load OSM File** tool treads OSM multipo…
Creo que estaría genial que @hhkaos nos expusiera cuál es la idea de _backend_ que tiene en mente y, también, que todos expongamos cuáles son las tecnologías con las que nos sentimos más cómodos para …
我现在已经修改了对arcgis for js 4.8的支持 迁徙图和散点图已经实现 但是热力图引入main.js报错 博主能否开源一份main.js给大家学习学习 或者是请教下博主提供的main.js是否支持对热力图的实现?
Set label placement:
- [ ] center of grid
- [ ] margins - **_will not be done in this issue!_**
Being able to set placement within the grid cell
# Problem
As a follow-up from #259 and https://github.com/Esri/esri-leaflet-geocoder/issues/318#issuecomment-2312706576, it seems like the TypeScript types at https://www.npmjs.com/package/@types/e…
**tl;dr** Using mask zooms (er, `zoom masks`) will reduce global tile tiles by >30%.
Our existing architecture assumes a max zoom of 16, and that all tiles between 0 and 16 are generated. With a g…
Can you guys please add the number of recoveries to time series data? Thanks.
In the README file, you write: “In order to use ArcGIS maps, you must register and abide by the terms of service. No special syntax is required.”, but with your plugin, there’s no way for Esri to veri…
What should this feature enhancement do?
Make more layers available in the API version - especially things like
real-time weather, volcanoes/earthquakes, some of the United Nations layers.
Are t…