Assigning custom properties to a marker when creating/copying it is
deprecated. Please, consider storing the custom properties you need in
some other object in your package, keyed by the marker's id…
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
1. Install Markdown Preview Plus
2. Create a Markdown file with any text formatted inside
3. Load it inside Atom using Markdown Preview Plus
4. Try to switch to the p…
[Enter steps to reproduce below:]
1. ...
2. ...
**Atom Version**: 1.7.2
**System**: Ubuntu 12.04.5
**Thrown From**: [atom-save-all](https://github.com/BrownBear2/atom-save-all) package, v0.4.1
### St…
[Enter steps to reproduce below:]
1. shift-enter-p
2. press : then w, then enter
**Atom Version**: 1.2.4
**System**: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
**Thrown From**: [command-palette](https://github.com/at…
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
1. Toggle Arduino panel
2. Click Compile or Upload
**Atom**: 1.19.2 x64
**Electron**: 1.6.9
**OS**: Mac OS X 10.12.6
**Thrown From**: [arduino-atom](https://githu…
[Enter steps to reproduce below:]
1. Open Atom
2. Close any open files
3. Install atom-autohide-tree-view
4. Quit Atom
5. Open atom by right-click text file and "Open with Atom"
6. Close the file by c…
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
1. in any given views/widget.xml with a corresponding styles/widget.tss begin to type in any elements attribute value within quotes ie start with and add 4 to the id e…
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
1. ...
2. ...
**Atom**: 1.40.0 x64
**Electron**: 3.1.10
**OS**: Unknown Windows version
**Thrown From**: [emmet](https://github.com/emmetio/emmet-atom) package 2.…
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
1. ...
2. ...
**Atom**: 1.17.2 x64
**Electron**: 1.3.15
**OS**: Mac OS X 10.12.5
**Thrown From**: [atom-js-console](https://github.com/pierregoutheraud/atom-js-co…
Just installing git-grep 0.9.0 throws this error.
**Atom**: 1.21.1 x64
**Electron**: 1.6.15
**OS**: "Fedora release
**Thrown From**: [git-grep](git://github.com/mizchi/atom-git-grep) package 0.9…