Just an idea for if you ever restructure these, it feels like all the set your own goal spaces should go up one side. Because you have the basics to advanced axis along the long side, and then all you…
# Basics of HTML Guide | Kaden’s Blogs
An introduction to basic HTML, and resources to learn more.
This assertion fails:
`// Assert that current word count is set to 1.`
` assertTrue(gameUiState.currentWordCount == 1)`
in `gameViewModel_Initialization_FirstWordLoaded()`
in this test for asserting initial boundary there is failure:
assertTrue(gameUiState.currentWordCount == 1) this is actually starting at 0, not 1
fun gameViewModel_Initialization_FirstWordLoaded() {
val currentGameUiState = viewModel.uiState.value
val unScrambledWord = getUnscrambledWord(currentGameUiState.currentScrambled…
- https://tanstack.com/query/v4/?from=reactQueryV3&original=https://react-query-v3.tanstack.com/
- https://github.com/pmndrs/zustand
These are needed as part of your neeto onboarding. Please learn…
# js basics html with JS | CompSci Blogs
There is a mistake in one of tests, In "Write unit test for ViewModel" codelab
fun gameViewModel_Initialization_FirstWordLoaded()
assertTrue(gameUiState.currentWordCount == 1)
initial valu…
Error on the test for Boundary case. **_The assertion for the current word count was set to 1 instead of 0_**
Here is the snippet that flags an error when the test is run
fun gameViewM…
I have found three issues in the codelab [Write unit tests for ViewModel]