Vulnerable Library - BaragonCore-0.9.0.jar
Path to dependency file: /SingularityClient/pom.xml
Path to vulnerable library: /home/wss-scanner/.m2/repository/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.10/commons-…
I'm using `trufflehog_3.33.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz` to detect the passwords and tokens.
Actually i have hard-coded tokens & passwords and committed them into my github repository. But when i tried to…
There are several builtins in Gren that work by iterating JavaScript object properties and their associated values, to derive a specific result. Examples of this is `==`, `Debug.toString` , `compare` …
When doing "apktool d Downloads/SayHi\ Translate_5.0.12_Apkpure.apk"
I get really weird code like this in the files.
.class public Lc/e/a/j/o;
.super Ljava/lang/Object;
.source "WebSocket…
Package Name: SABNZBD
Package Version: 3.4.2-50
NAS Model: DS214Play
NAS Architecture: Standard
DSM version: 7.0.1-42218
Expected behavior
SABNZBD operates as per normal (as prior to …
Status on the FSK Project
[x] Addition of FSK device decoders to the build
[x] Update build process to allow refreshes of rtl_433 components
[x] Wire FSK device decoders into rtl_433_E…
The longest-running [mp3- related patent](https://www.google.com/patents/US6009399) is **expired** as of 16th April, 2017. This makes `.mp3` patent-free in US too. Also licensing program [has been ter…
I want to embed keys directly into the binary, already-imported and ready to go, but since (in my specific case) `RsaPublicKey::from_public_key_pem` is not a `const fn`, I can't call it from a static …
### Describe the problem you are having
I am using an Orange Pi 5 Plus with 16GB RAM and running Armbian with kernel 5.10. In my Frigate configuration, I deliberately set ffmpeg to decode at 10 fps t…
Preprocessed source(s) and associated run script(s) are located at: [infobar_manager-59ac8a.zip](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/files/12445317/infobar_manager-59ac8a.zip)
Stack trace: