Should we need add a loading status/indicator on the chart?
Depending on the data, the chart can take a few seconds to appear the first time with a big number of elements, for small/standard time …
### Setup and configuration
- SMW version: 3.0.0
- MW version: 1.31.1
- PHP version: 7.2.13-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 (fpm-fcgi)
- DB system (MySQL, Blazegraph, etc.) and version: MariaDB 1…
Community bridge requires we have a badge from Core Infrastructure Initiative https://www.coreinfrastructure.org/programs/badge-program/
Microsoft Fabric offers a robust platform for data engineering, providing tools and services that simplify the complexities of data integration, transformation, and analysis. This talk will delve into…
Tracking updates of www.verizonmedia.com
_Need help? Please review [how to read a Staging Review ticket](https://depo-platform-documentation.scrollhelp.site/collaboration-cycle/anatomy-of-a-staging-review-issue-ticket). Tag `@platform-govern…
[Imagiworks District.pdf](https://github.com/decentraland/districts/files/1543831/Imagiworks.District.pdf)
I welcome feedback for what I believe could include truly game changing features for a d…
### Description
:: ----------------------------------------------------------
:: --------Disable always running antimalware service--------
:: -----------------------------------------------…
When an older version is selected and there are no libraries in a category, the category is still displayed. It would be better not to display the category. And if the last library is removed from a c…