Isotope 2.8.9 is not compatible with the latest releases of Haste and therefore with the latest Notification Center even though it requires both extension. Haste is 17 versions further now than Isotop…
It failed at install dependencies, no matter which version of Ubuntu you're using, as a fresh install it will end into an error.
It doesn't work with NGINX neither Apache2
Adding ondre…
Product | Version
-- | --
MediaWiki | 1.37.6
PHP | 8.0.23 (apache2handler)
MariaDB | 10.3.36-MariaDB-1:10.3.36+maria~ubu2004
ICU | 67.1
Lua | 5.1.5
Pygments | 2.10.0
Extension | Ve…
I'm trying to generate a docker image to host Circular with limited success. PHP isn't my language of choice, so I'm possibly doing something silly - or it might be because the code depends on the de…
While installing I am getting some errors regarding PHP Version. I am working on 7.1 and your requirements are until 7.0.6,
Is there any fix for this?
magento/module-store 100.1.12 requires php …
The css is not working correctly, probably because the navbar is above the html in the source code. I'm guessing you have an error in your template layout.
Drush 9.0+ is in the "Requirements" list. This is on the host where you're running `docker-compose`?
A property shape would often require selecting resources/values from existing resources. This is easy to implement in a closed setting of TopBraid Composer but requires additional plumbing so that cli…
Hi, I'm use this repo's example to test deploy a BPMN file by your docker-compose. Do u have any idea of it
Thanks for the provide extension.
i have installed this extension and enabled from admin panel.
but i am unable to access my site "currently unable to handel this request. Http error 500"