Bug Type: **`Other`**
## Environment
- Vue Version: `3.5.12`
- Element Plus Version: `2.8.7`
- Browser / OS: `Chrome: 130.0.2849.68`
- Build Tool: `Vite`
## Reproduction
### Related…
After upgrading from 1.79.4 to 1.79.5, I am getting the following error in my Rails app when running `yarn build:css`:
Unexpected exception:
TypeError: Instance of 'InterpolatedFunctionExpres…
**Issue by [swmitra](https://github.com/swmitra)**
_Friday Aug 11, 2017 at 09:08 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/adobe/brackets/pull/13607_
This will enable theme developers and …
[Enter steps to reproduce below:]
1. apm install dartlang
2. Open a Dart project
**Atom Version**: 1.13.0
**Electron Version**: 1.3.13
**System**: Mac OS X 10.12.2
**Thrown From**: [dartlang…
jxson updated
7 years ago
### Bug description
When using vertical slides in revealjs combined with `code-line-numbers` horizontal navigation requires to step through the entire `code-line-numbers` before the next horizontal…
skwde updated
5 months ago
### Bug description
When creating a RevealJS output with a Mermaid diagram, you can craft a situation where the deck mysteriously loops. This happens when you have a Mermaid diagram containing elem…
When including SCSS or SASS assets in debug build, they are compiled using the `--embed-source-maps` option, which causes a source map to be genrated and included directly in the generated CSS asset. …
### Bug description
I am using the project profiles to support multi-language documents (i.c. Dutch & French) by only showing the text for that language. This works nicely, but when trying to use the…
Deprecation Warning: The legacy JS API is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.
More info: https://sass-lang.com/d/legacy-js-api
hacxy updated
3 weeks ago
Can we add a [many-to-many configuration](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/cli/dart-sass/#many-to-many-mode) setting to this plugin? There appears to be a loadPaths to add additional input folders,…