Currently, if current pen position run ( list of consecutive sample positions that all have pressure > 0) get too large, the screen updating crawls to a slower and slower rate.
Ideas to fix this:
- […
de ex aici https://canscorpionssmoke.wordpress.com/ cand dai hover pe home page se vad linii gri deasupra si dedesubtul featured-ului in timpul animatiei, pe Chrome
For each of the 3 trial states in the python Exp. Template, add another column that allows user to specify where the state graphic (*_VIS) should be located on the screen.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Creating the Wave file protocol
2. running the protocol
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
What version of the product are you us…
Windows 8.1 x64 / Cygwin 1.7.33 x64 / Python 2.7.9
Cygwin hangs only on some beets commands that involve moving or modifying the file (import, remove) NOT query commands (ls).
canceling the comman…
When I try to start with psychopyApp.py I get a error message with PIL.
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/psychopy/app/builder/components/__init__.py", line 21, in pilToBitmap
AM întrebat mai multe persoane şi habar nu aveau că există un asemenea link... :)
De asemenea, alăturarea de link-ul 'Abrevieri' te face să crezi că e vorba de ceva global, nu relativ la cuvîntul căut…
Instead of having the plain array of `$_SESSION['Trials']` we should make a class that contains the `$_SESSION['Trials']` data but has a lot of nice methods to make array navigation easy.
``` php
How to get the channel weights matrix for each ICA component? I can get the weights for the PCA components but not the ICA components. Coming from EEGLAB where specifying number of pca components give…
This relates partly to reproducing the brainstorm results in https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-python/pull/2587. Currently, mne-python does not have the semantics to handle annotations with durations. …